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Halo Betrayal Sound 12: What It Is, Where It Came From, and How to Make Your Own


Halo had over 5000 dialogue snippets in it - Halo 2 has 3 times that many. That doesn't stop dedicated fans from attempting to catalogue them all. Beginning on November 15, Captain Spark began sending in snippets from the game, collected with as little background noise as possible. As in the first game, we will accept submissions from anyone, with the same proviso we used for the Halo Dialogue Databank. And, as before, if someone submits a better version of an existing clip, we'll substitute it for the one we have - but the original submitter will retain credit. (This hasn't been a problem in the past - here's hoping it's not one in the future, either.) Subsections will be added as needed. Please mail submissions to

1. All submissions are given with the knowledge that the clips are freely available for use in any OTHER fan creation - barring those that violate Bungie's copyrights, of course. If a submitter wants to limit how his clips can be used by others, we actually don't want them in the database. Submitters get full credit for extracting the sounds from the game - but relinquish all rights to the clips past that. This disclaimer is being added solely because we don't want fights to break out if a submitter isn't happy with the way his clip is used by another site visitor submitting, say, a Flash animation. If you think you will have trouble accepting the fact that others are using the clips to make fan creations for the community - don't submit.

Halo Betrayal Sound 12

Several days later, Washington is assigned to be implanted with the Epsilon A.I. Immediately after the operation, Wash loses control, seeing a twisted kaleidoscope of Epsilon's memories of Allison, which causes him to launch into a fit of severe pain. After a long minute of screaming and thrashing, accompanied with the A.I. Epsilon trying to kill itself in Wash's head due to the sheer painfulness of the memories, Wash is soon sedated and sent into Recovery. A few days after his implantation, Wash wakes up in the medical room, with North and South standing by him. They tell him that the Director not only removed Epsilon but plans to remove all of the A.I. from the Freelancers. Wash then questions Carolina's whereabouts, in which North reveals that the Director has been planning to send Carolina to go after Tex, who has recently gone rogue. A security alarm suddenly sounds off, indicating that Tex had come back.

Washington makes his re-appearance in the very first episode of Reconstruction, having escaped the Meta from his last encounter simply by playing dead. Wash also reveals that he was able to survive South's betrayal because he had taken York's Healing Unit. Upon offering counsel to Recovery Command on the incident at Outpost 17-B: Valhalla, Wash is ordered to investigate the last known location of the Omega A.I.: Blood Gulch.[1] When he arrives, he learns that all of the soldiers, with the exception of Sister, have been transferred to different bases, although Sarge is also present, having refused his reassignment orders. After a fruitless attempt at interrogating Sister, Wash questions Sarge, who shows him Caboose's reassignment orders as recorded by Lopez.

Washington and Carolina arrive in Blood Gulch shortly after Donut was supposed to get trapped under Sister's ship. Wash introduces everyone, and everyone recognizes the two but can't remember from where. After some prompting from Donut, the crew realize that they know each other without being able to and are freed from the paradox. Carolina immediately apologizes to Wash for keeping his brain damage a secret from him, but Wash stops her, saying he doesn't care about his injury anymore and assures Carolina he's always going to be her friend. When the crew, however, refuse to forgive Donut for his betrayal, despite Wash stating that Donut was the one who saved all of them, Donut chews them out for all the crap they constantly put him through and why he sided with Chrovos in the first place. After he storms off, Wash firmly orders everyone to apologize.

Washington also has very little tolerance for disloyalty; a prime example was when he expressed his desire for retribution against South's betrayal, as well as threatening to kill Carolina if she hurt his friends. He was extremely ruthless in completing his objectives, whether it be revenge or freedom, unhesitatingly killing South, and shooting Lopez and Donut. It is possible that this low tolerance comes from numerous betrayals by all his previous friends and teammates at Project Freelancer, to which Tucker sarcastically comments that Wash was used to being betrayed on a weekly basis.

Wash was also callous, murdering the Alien survivors of C.T.'s dig team with the Meta out of mere impatience. Alongside his grittier demeanor, Wash had also become cunning and charismatic, setting up plans to defeat the Meta and shut down Project Freelancer long before the events actually occurred. Wash's personality in regards to betrayal during his Recovery One days was notably vengeful. The excessive violence he used in disposing of Agent South Dakota's body and armor shows this to an almost comical extent, which included him shooting her corpse, tossing an active plasma grenade at it, incinerating it with a flamethrower, and then placing several explosive power cells around it before igniting them with his rifle. This comically excessive use of force displayed unsettling signs of Washington's questionable sanity at the time.

Washington's psyche has been brought up to question throughout the series. A notable example being the comical lengths he goes to destroy South's corpse for her betrayal in Reconstruction. Originally, Washington acts less mature in the Project Freelancer Saga, such as when he sees Sharkface in The Sarcophagus, as he asks "What the fuck is with this guy?" due to the enemy's bold entrance and when he took a Fuel Rod Cannon to combat the soldier, he made a big fuss about the fact that the charge bounces off the wall while in the midst of battle.

After the implantation of Epsilon, Wash suffers much psychological damage, drastically changing his mood and attitude as seen in the Recollections. Wash also seems to be very begrudging, especially concerning South Dakota after her betrayal, evidenced by, comically, the lengths he goes to when disposing of her corpse. In order, he utilizes; a burst of his Battle Rifle, a plasma grenade, a sustained burst from a flamethrower, and at least a dozen fusion coils and propane tanks. Amusingly, Washington makes several attempts to add the final core to the stack, pushing it back onto the pile when it keeps rolling off.

It is also possible that his time with the Reds and Blues, who were much like he was before the Epsilon incident, could have aided in his recovery from the psychological trauma of Epsilon self-destructing in his head. During The Federal Army of Chorus, Wash hallucinates over various events from his past, such as his last encounter with the Director, his talk with the Counselor on hunting the Meta, and his betrayal of the Reds in Think You Know Someone. Fortunately, he is resuscitated by Dr. Grey.

The initial thought behind THE HALO EFFECT was to go back to the roots and explore the classic Gothenburg Sound. The band delivers the goods in a brutally efficient display of heart pounding beats, melodic mayhem and furious growling at its best and the result is an exceptional sound to fans of melo-death, where the echoes of the Gothenburg Sound are evident.

Before he could drop John into the abyss, the Didact was surrounded by Cortana's rampant personality spikes who emerge from the light bridge. After a short confrontation with the Didact, Cortana attacked the Didact and bound him by the arms to the bridge by using her hardlight forms. John-117 was released and crashed chest-first onto the edge of the light bridge, barely able to grab onto the ledge, with the swirling orange abyss beneath him. He climbed up the bridge and swiftly charged the Didact, plunging a Pulse Grenade into his armor. The Didact, however, broke free from Cortana's bonds and pushed him away, sending him sliding across the bridge. Freeing his other arm, the Didact began to slowly lift John into the air, with the Spartan exerting sounds of desperation and pain, preparing for an almost imminent demise. The grenade detonated, causing the Didact to lose focus, become seriously injured and drop John, stumbling off the bridge into the slipspace rupture below.Out of time, John painfully crawled towards the warhead, frequently crashing onto the light bridge. He prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice. Taking one final look up at Earth, John yelled in defiance to his enemy and smashed his hand on the tip of the warhead, detonating the nuclear weapon.[49]

Sunset and evening star, / And one clear call for me! / And may there be no moaning of the bar / When I put out to sea / But such a tide as moving seems asleep, / Too full for sound or foam, / When that which drew from out the / boundless deep / Turns again home. / Twilight and evening bell, / And after that the dark! / And may there be so sadness of farewell / When I embark / For though from out our bourne of / time and place / The flood may bear me far / I hope to see my pilot face to face / When I have crossed the bar

Beloved Padre Pio, Saint of Pietrelcina, today I come to add my prayer to the thousands of prayers offered to you everyday by those who love and venerate you. They ask for cures and healings, earthly and spiritual blessings, and peace for body and mind. Because of your friendship with the Lord, He heals those you ask to be healed, and forgives those you forgive. Through your visible wounds of the Cross, which you bore for 50 years, you were chosen in our time to glorify the crucified Jesus. Because the Cross has been replaced by other symbols, please help us to bring it back in our midst, for we acknowledge it is the only true sign of salvation. As we lovingly recall the wounds that pierced your hands, feet and side, we not only remember the blood you shed in pain, but your smile and the invisible halo of sweet smelling flowers that surrounded your presence, the perfume of sanctity. 2ff7e9595c


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